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Visitors 99
Modified 25-Jun-24
Created 10-Jul-13
64 photos

A road tour of the British Columbia Okanagon Valley, Washington, Oregon and Northern California from June 13 to June 25, 2013. As well as visiting relatives near Yakima, WA, we mostly stayed in B&B's during our journey.
Highlights of the trip included western bird life, the National Redwood Forest in California and scenery along the Oregon Coast.
Lake Osoyoos, Okanagon Valley, BCRufous HummingbirdObservatory B&BView from B&BMoroccan Fossil - 100M years oldMountain BluebirdStellar's JayNative Statue, Washington StateViolet-green SwallowWashington StateSage LizardBlack-headed GrosbeakMorgan MountainYoung Diamondback Rattlesnake, an evening visitor at the back door.Columbia River GorgeColumbia GorgeMultnomah FallsMultnomah FallsColumbia GorgeWestern Tanager

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